
i need to broaden my knowledge about malaysia history and the world history as well.especially the world history.i found it interesting to know other countries history and ideologies.need to read and learn.i need feed my brain with useful knowledge and i need to hear people ideas and perspective concerning this matter.god i have so much to learn and gain in life.haha tetibe je an mangat nk tau psal sejarah.but i need to know.its a must for me now.yeah its sound so nerdy of me but what the hack.i love history since school.cewah nk bangge diri jap.hahah just that im fedup with people who are soo ignorant and acting like they know everything.gosh please.pape pn i need to know that i can understand and compare..wish me luck i notice that my english is gettin weaker.damn!! i think i have to start reading english books again.lots of english book and article o what ever that is related.its not like im so good in english before,but bolelah dari sekarang nh.i still believe that PPSMI tuh sesuatu y bagus.banyak membantu ok.pelik nape rmai sgt org nk bantah PPSMI padahal bgus eyh.isu lapok.saje nk ungkit

p/s:lookin forward for tomorrow =)) 

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