
ollo peeps.lately neh im bz not so bz i suppose.get it? haha merapu lebeh.no lah im kindda bz kot ngn pe pn i xtau lah.tp bzlah semestiny.smpai ble i tgk blog hah mls gle nk update, hack fb org cm haih bosan lak rseny.dl lgu lak cm gle saket telinga nk dga lgu2 neh.tdo lak haih nk pecah pale sbb tdo je keje.haa sng kte sume bnda i buat serba xkenalah.jap gle cm xd kene mengena ngn bz i tuh.haha biakan.skng pn da middle of disember.another two weeks then bye bye 2010! wow sgt kejap rse hidup nh berlalu.many things happen during this whole year.the hepy moments,the sad worst moments,memorial moments all moments lah u can think of sng.hahha.n im suprise that i manage to keep myself together.yeah there's some scene in my life i feel like losing hope n losing my sanity.but im grateful coz i have people who care and always be there for me.filling my life with laughter and joy whenever i feel down n depress.i am so thankful to u guys.people come n go in my life.well, thats life aite.we cannot control them but be grateful for having them in our life.i adore and love relationship.wether relationship with my bf o my friends both i adore it very much.now, im hepy with my life.with my love one,with my friends.i could not ask for more.i love u guys.really.im looking forward to 2011.wonder what will i face next year.hoping 2011 will be a blast for me.=))

p/s:ilysm baby =)

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