
should i? o maybe i should not be worry.gosh i dont know.part of me said i should be worry.part of me said i should'nt.which is trying to be rational in this matter.i dont want to be a control freak i dont.past is past.done with point of bringing it back in the future right.unless well ur past come to hunt u back.that is another story.but still im trying to stay calm and think positive.frankly yes, im a bit worried.who doesnt? i get jealous easily.yes easily ok.bear with it.just that note that once i trust someone, please dont ever do something that u will regret doing it to me.cherish me well and i will do the same to u.yes when i love someone, i really mean cinta cinta monyet o puppy love o saje nak test market ke ape.keep it in mind.dont break my dont ever do that again.i dont care if u tease me o making up story about hooking up with nora danish o fazura etc.i know u're only bluffing and joking, i love u so much that even words hardly describe it.i trust u and accept u for who u are.i dont asked u to change.i love the way u are serious about my feeling.i know sometimes i've done things that upset o make u lose ur mind for a while.i guess, that is my way of getting ur sorry,i didnt mean it.i am careless,and stubborn girl.yes i admit that.i always done silly things and acted totally childish when im with u.thank you for being understandable and being there when i need u the most.we've known each other for 4 years now.we have our own ups and downs right dear.not to mentioned losing contact for 2 years.and still we're back together and im so happy and grateful for it.i really baby,please dont ever doubt about my feeling towards u.u once asked me why i love this is my answer.well half of it.maybe its that goofy smile of urs, or those beautiful eyes, or the way you can always seem to make me feel better or more confident about myself or the way you can make me laugh. the point is,i just love u,for who u are.for how u make me feel when im around u.for making me feel safe and secure when u hold and hug me.i enjoyed every second being around u.texting and talking to u everyday.yup i surely do.this is my i make it public right? being so romantic this evening.i miss u much i do.cant wait to meet u soon

.my .
  p/s:baby promote awak jap eyh.heee


saenadia said...

auuuwwww~ <3

dunia kecik ku said...

mia auwww...gedik...hahahahhaa....ngehngehngehngehngeh...peace....gurau jek...aku ko x syg pon kan...haaa...tacing...

m.jy said...

hahaha sygla jan oi.syg je membe2 aku.yelaaa pasnh aku bwt entri lak tuk membe2 lak.hahah saba yer.kna tgu ada feel dlu..=)

m.jy said...

sae> =))

marliyati mohatar said...
