
song that always makes you sad?
ketulusan hati~marshanda

last thing you bought?
 last person you argued with?
pakcik tepi jln.hahaha

do you put butter before putting the jelly on?

one of your stuffed animal's name?

did you ever own at one time a Nysnc cd?
haha yes!

favorite day of the week?
right now everyday is my fav day.

favorite sundae topping?
chocolate indeed!

did you take piano lessons?
teringin sangat!

most frequent song played?
one in a million~ne yo

would you rather jump or scream?
jump n sream together.

date someone older or younger?
same age n older.younger nahhh.

one place you could travel right now?
new zealand!! =(

do you love your ex?
nope nope.!

best job you ever had?

perfect time to wake up?
9 am.

perfect time to go to bed?
depends on my mood.

have you thrown up at school?
cant penah je.

when you snuck out of your house for the first time, who was it with?
cam xpenah dibuat je.saya baek je.haha

who was your first bestfriend and are you still friends with them?
first bestfriend?
urrmmmm.spe eyh?

who is the first person you call when you have a bad day?
muhammad shahfid.

what is the first thing you do in the morning?
meraba raba fon.

still had a crush on your exes?

what would you do if you find out you're pregnant?
sengih je.ngeh3.

rather die or live?

are you feeling happy today?
yes sbb mkn domino's pizza td.kenyg!!

if today was your last day on earth what would you do?
mintak ampun kt tuhan.

one thing you wish to say to your ex or enemy what would it be?
thanks for the hell u put me through.damn u!

living like today is your last day, would you forgive all your enemy and hug them?
i dont think so.yes im not that nice to forgive my with it.

what you wish for your birthday?

happy with your life?
yes i am for the time being.

have a bad day lately?
yes. semalam sgt2 bad day for me.huu

wish to have someone to kiss you and saying those 3 words?
i dont have to wish.saya da ada that someone to do that already =))

missing someone right now?
badly!! ='(

using handphone?
like ya?!

taken n loving every minute of it.

need someone?
i need my syg beside me now.

which is much better, single or taken?
taken lah.

one word to describe you?
saya sangat manja.hahaha bak kte org tuh.

what you really wish for in 2010?
i wish that i have enough money this year but hanya tinggal wish je lah nmpkny.haihh.

p/s: sae i dah buat.