
woot woot! saya sudah pulang dari PD.yeah only when there for 2 xd mkneny pg sna eyh.haha.but oklah enjoy la jugak.barely lah.penat drive from kl to PD.padahal bkn jauh sgt pn.cuma pnt dari segi mental coz kena thn dga my mum membebel tak bg i drive lebeh dari 100 n bsg that n this. gosh im soo stressed out!! suma neh berpunca gara gara my dad xd kat malaysia pg indon men golf my mum puny tak tentu arah suma serba xkena ngn dy selama ketidaan ayah i.mama take a break.mlm neh ayah blek da pn.durh.kt PD we stayed at glory resort.actually my sis ad kursus kt sne tuh sbb ajak kami join skali.tmpt tuh sgt tak best.dala pantai dy xleh nk terpakse drve about 10km from the resort nk g pantai mandi.xpelah at least i had fun mandi laut.hampir hampir lemas kna bantai ngn ombak kuat.xsmpat nk ambik nafas dah kna terjah je ngn ombak.hahah cam pg pd first day tuh cm mostly duk je kt resort.ptg tuh i tdo je coz kepenatan.yeah my syg tau how penat i was kn syg? =P kua pn g lunch kt town n night tuh dinner kt resort coz mardi ad buat bbq so join skali lah with my sis n org2 mardi day tuh pg2 dah g mand laut.haha n best part is i dont get burn.gara gara nek before matahari tuh kelua kn cahaya dy tuh.hahahah.dala mls mau cite psal pd.lgpun cm today my mood cm ntah out setakat neh je post.lgpn post neh dkarang last br post.stress ngn suma benda.bosan.out.

p/s:hating this feeling.bodoh.

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