

On the directive of the Ministry of Higher Education  to all Malaysian Public  Institutions of Higher Learning through the letter  dated 15  October 2010 [JPT.S(BPKP)200/400/016/03 Jld.3(27)], Universiti Teknologi MARA will start the 2011-2012 Academic Sessions as follows:

Academic Program First Day of Lecture
Entry from SPM/ Equivalent
(Pre-Diploma, Diploma and Asasi)
30 May 2011

Entry from STPM/ Equivalent (First Degree)
Post-Graduate (Master and Doctorate)
12 September 2011

The details of the relevant dates will be announced as soon as the UiTM Academic Calendar 2011-2012 is approved by the UiTM Senate.

bengong la.gile lame break sem.bajet uk lah malaysia neh.gile susahkan aku jela.dah practical lambat satu hal.nak grad pun lambat kot!! da elok2 before this puny break.sebok nk tuka2.memang la best sbb bole keje lame2 tym cuti tp bosan gile siot.sah2 berat badan nek mendadak dadak lg!! duk umah lg la bosan.sebulan lebeh cuti pn dah mati kebosanan kat umah.neh 4 bulan cuti.mati kebuntuan aku kat umah.ceh.dala, saket hati =.=

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