
happy new year guys.well hello 2011.finally u came.meaning that in couple of days i will be turning 21.21 is a good number right.well number yang dimana seorang anak mendapat kebebasan daripada parents dy.well, not happening in my family i guess.selagi i tak kawin i still kena control dgn parents i.huu haru.xpelah i know they love thier daughter wish for this year cuma saya mahu kebahgiaan yang berkekalan dalam hidup saya.itu saja.i wont asked for if u read this, i just want u to know that i love saying this everyday.and everytime that i say i love u,i mean it.i know now we have our downs,but that doesnt changed what i feel for u.i dont care if u're not matured and acting childish now,eventually later u will be just a matter of time dont go rushing urself and blaming urself for it.i've said this before,now i stressed it even more,i accept u the way u keep that in childish too my own way.maybe tak sama dengan awk.still,im chldish when it come to how i managed my feeling.u know how i easily cried when we argued about something.thats just who i am.u know me better.u know how i dont doubt anything.stop saying words that condemn urself.i dont like when u say like that.i really dont want to fight anymore.its hurting much as it hurts sorry for sorry for always getting on ur im really sory.i make a mistake and i apologise for it.i love u baby.always.n im badly missing u.just hold on my words.

p/s:semalam tengok bunga api kat kondo.merata rata nampak bunga api even i kat kondo je mase tuh.untung view kat umah sis i tuh facing kl.fireworks at klcc sgt cantek.=)

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