
heyhey bloggers.ok now officially jan and yana sudah ade blog sendiri.meaning that tinggal i sorang je kt blog neh.sampai ati kan korg.xpe2.aku lg blog neh aku pny sorg.muahahahaaha...owh lupe lak.selamat tahun baru cina kepada semua yang menyambutny ok.we r 1malaysia an so sume pn dok sambut je aku rase.hahaha suke ati korglah yang penting i nak angpau =D well today sgt sgt bored.duk umah tgk muvie haih cam xde life je rse.hoho like before neh cam ade life je an.ok i dah merapu.shut up mia.okok i seyes.actually i nak post pasal trust.i dunno how u guys define trust.well basically trust is a mutual bonding between u and that other person that bendalah aku merepek neh dah.ok trust is something that u make u convince on that particular person whether about secrets in ur life o how that person behavior that blablabla.hahahha ok pe yang i nak ckp is something trust neh susah nak build but can easily puufff in a split it? ok if xgot it i terangkan ye.take example lah, u tell ur bff abt ur secret.i mean ur deepest secret coz u trust ur bff so much and u ought that they shud noe abt it.tuptap tgk2 bff u sendiri pg canang secret u kat org will that makes u feel??ok another example is,u trust ur bf that he wont cheated on u,but the thing is he does.behind ur back or infront of ur that makes u feel?? what i mean to say is, its damn hurt suck and f when people that u trust, well broke ur me.its really painful and not cool at all.and to trust that person back again, i mean it will take a while,depends on individuals lah.ada y mmg tak kan percaya an.for me, mmg sucks when people that i trust betrayed my trust,yes mmg sucks and not cool at all.but i'll give second chances.if betol2 dy tunjuk that dy deserved my trust.i bukan org y me i bukan cm2.i believe in giving people chances.well depends lah.but the thing is, people please when a person trust u,dont go break their trust.its not cool.and f word is the best way to describe person that betrayed trust.ok i trust my friends that are close to me.and i trus u baby.i do ok.really i do.=)i love u my muchii buchii.hahah gedik jap.what is muchii buchii after all?? hhha damn i have no sedap je bunyi tuh.hahaha gosh back to the topic.the thing is, be nice to people ok guys? no hard feeling just fuckin bored thats why i merepek camneh.haha see u guys in the next post.xoxo

"Trust is a funny thing. It can take years to learn how to do it but only one second to lose your ability to"

p/s: i love u muhammad shahfid kamal bashah ♥♥♥♥♥♥ 

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