
ollo peeps.lame sudah cam tak post yang decent2 je.before this sume post emotik gle an? haha sory guys.krisis emosi melanda but now im fine thank u.yah i miss my bloggy!! cam takde idea nak post ape this hols.ok actually i baru pas pulang dari mandi manda di kemensah dgn syg i.hoho syok gile dpt maen air.heeeee ok saya sgt suke gile teramat maen air.sumpah xnk kua td tp terpakse coz kena pulang awal.sobsobsob susa betol duk umah.nak kua pn susa neh pulak nk balek umah lewat.nevermind y penting i seronok maen air dengan syg i.heee thanks baby coz bwk syg eyh.len kli kte pegi lg wokeh? xD hols neh i tak buat pape pn.assgment pun baru je belek2.hehehe jan bucuk nk buat bel roger aku okeh?owwhh and i dah ad new hair cut!! woootwooot my hair kini sudah short.yes short aka pendek.and i kindda like it.heeeee the best part is ari y i cut my hair tuh my dad ckp cam nasha aziz lah.ok motif? hahahha perasan jap mlm tuh.mlm tuh jeh k? hahhahaha dah korg mesti nyampah i perasan sorg2 an? lalalala~ouh n thanks kepada mereka y follow i kat blog.if ada mase i kumen2 blog u guys ok? ceh bajet hot je nk kumen2.haha lantak.ok see ya in next post =)

p/s:nak rompak kidding.

1 comment:

marliyati mohatar said...

nasha aziz la sgttttt....