wootwoot ello peeps.its already 3.28 am when im typing this post.yeah i know its late already.but i cant sleep.just finish studying managerial economics.yeah i tertinggal banyak gile so need to catchup a bit.the truth is im kindda blur with this subject yeah coz ala ala addmath gitu.haha dah lupe kot.cam nk refresh balek memory tuh takes time i guess.but slowly i will get it.yeah this i promise u.cewah cam lagu nsync kot.haha abaikan.ok my class start at 8.30 am.so i have no idea whether i can get up o not.pray to god i hope i can get up.ok i bukan nak merapu pasal study i kat korang.hha sumpah boring kalau ckp pasal study.yeah move on lah to next topic.ok last week i went to pd with my syg and nad and her so called friend at the moment =P.hoho bertolak dari s alam around 11 something.ok not 11 am ok.its 11 pm.almost midnight guys.hahah gile tak kami? cam i and my baby cam dunno where else to go.there's nothing in s alam during midnight.trust me boring gile.so pd jadi pilihan.ok korang jangan pikir dirtydirty stuff ok.kami bersih tak tidur hotel o mana mana rumah tumpangan.haha just to inform u guys.korang bukan boleh percaye pun otak nnt pk bukan2.actually me and my baby gerak dulu coz nad g tgk muvi sume.so we arrived dalam pukul 1 lebeh kot kt teluk kemang.guess what agak happening kot kt sne malam2.as if people never sleep at all.ramai kot orang kat pantai sume.yeah akhirnya i dapat g pantai tengah malam.thanks baby i love u so much ok =) then cam lepak2 sume after that duduk dalam kete je.tido well tidotido ayamlah.penat kot.padahal awk yang penat kn syg?heee ok enouf xnak geligeli sangat nnt korg sume muntah2 bace.if u guys pegi weekend kan cam ramai yang berkhemah kat tepi2 pantai tuh.yeah cam seronok pulak.yang kami neh tak bawak pape pun.just bawak baju mandi je.heee tak berbaloi bukan pegi pd tak mandi langsung.so kul 3 lebeh cam2 nad baru gerak ke pd arrived dalam kul 5 lebeh.tyme tuh mmg mengantok gile.so tido je dalam kete sampai kul 7 lebeh.bangun2 trus excited gile tuka baju sume nak terjun laut.haha ramai gle kot tyme tuh orang.puas gle kot mandi laut.hahaah sampai i kena tanamlah dengan mereka2 neh.xpe2 next tyme mia balas balek k awak.weeeekk!ok dah kate mandi laut kan.sunburn lah gamaknye.yes gelap lagi kulit!damn!!xpe mantain lagi kecomelan yang tersedia ada.hahah muntahmuntah!!ouh shutup mia.kami sampai s alam balek pukul 2 ptg camtuh.ok balek trus blackout.haha tuh pun sempat tertido depan umah syg i eyh.dua2 tertido dalam kete kot.hahhah yes menunjukkan betape penatnye kami.well of coz awk lg penat kn baby sbb awk y drive pg balek.hee next tym mia drive okeh.looking forward to next crazy idea with u by.i had a great tyme and sgt enjoy with u ok.for those two lovebird.nad and her partner yeah they had a great tyme of coz.haha ok thats all it.owh and for iman sorry mase iman col tuh mia tido.penat sangat kot.xlarat nak answer any calls.sorry ya =)
ok lah penat sudah type mate pun da berat.see ya in next post.nyte2 opss morning2 peeps.haha xD
p/s: baby i love u so much.thanks for tonight.=))
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