
ollo peeps~!
today i woke up from sleep feeling blur n exhausted for i dunno why.
i had a weird dream last night.durh every night i had weird dreams.LOL.bangun bangun terus msg buah hati i yang tengah keje tuh.the best part is i silap type msg not once but twice.damn!
syg, awk gle suke kn knakn mia blek.xpe2 i'll get u back k syg =P
yesterday sangat memenatkan but i really enjoy it.coz why? coz i dapat berdate date sama syg saya lorh.=D love u syg!!
plan nak tgk harry potter with him.ok first mntak muvi kul 2.40.pekerja tuh pun showlah suma penuh just tinggal 3 rows yg dpn.xpelah switch tym len. 3 pm...FULL lah miss.damn!!5.40 pm xslap i adlah seat but almost full.xmolah lgpun cm ptg sgt.then asked for 12 pm punya muvi but sme as kul 2.40 pm puny seat.down~so we decided to watch other muvi instead.skyline je y ad seat bez =P so tgk jelah cite tuh kul memandangkan muvi cam gile lmbt lg so pglah mkn2 n window shopping.
damn i hate window shopping coz i cant buy anything!!fulus memang sangat sangat tenat i tell ya.then bantai lak sekarang sale n baju baju at esprit suma lawa lawa n affordable!! waaaaaaaaaaa!! gile berair ouh mate i tak dapat nk shopping.ok such drama queen but really i want those shirt n singlet from esprit!!syg i sgt suke tgk i sakit jiwa neh tak dapat shopping, bwk i masuk topshop forever awk? i like omg such pity i cant buy anything from those shops!! thank god tak bawak i pegi masuk nichii if not mau i mati akal kt we watched lah that skyline muvi. ok that muvi sangat tak masuk akal.jalan cite sangat tak bagus plus where are the aliens came from?and plus the aliens invaded earth n kidnapped humans for their brains so that the aliens can stay alive. im like what? then the hero of the story(sort like a hero) turn out to be an alien because brain dy sorg je y wane merah n bole control alien tuh n try to save his girl.end of story.just like that.gile tak boleh blah eyh muvi tuh.=\after muvi kami went to pojok.hee as usual my nose pasti berair bile mkn kat sne =P.(ouh ati jgn jelez eyh.nnt aku bwklah ko n jan lg)then pg anta my syg blek umah dy n i trus blek umah i.that late evening my sis ajak tgk HP at 9 pm wif my bro.i pn ckp oklah coz da kte melepas eyh nk tgk pg tuh.i pun bergegaslah ke brem mall nak beli tiket coz my sis da bought earlier.lucky me there is still a lot of seat! gle jauh beza eyh ngn ou!dapat tuk sebelah lg ngn my i get to watch HP at last =)) huurrmm HP part 1 neh.all i can say pegilah tgk sendiri nilai sendiri.hehehehehe.ok right now im craving for money n singlets.syg jomlah pegi shopping nnt =)) hahaha camlah ada duet nak shopping aite?! ouh mama,can u give me some cash for me to shop.please?much better if u lend me ur credit card mama.pretty please =D durh i think sampai bila bila tak kan mama bagi eh.hukhuk.

p/s: ati alien ati alien.hahaha

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