
i've just watched doomsday at astro.yeah so lame of me.cite gle dah lame baru i nak tgk.beselah tuh im not that type of person who sit infront of the television 24/7.ahah.prefer going out than watching tv i now back to the point.i igtkn cite apelah kn mule ad team nh dok ngendap2 this called valleylah.pape jelah.then ad lak so called human but not very human i supposed.more like cannibal type.and i was like wow! damn! eeeeeuuwww! what the heck?! shit! cite benda nh?!!!! hahhah tuh reaksi i bile tgk cite tuh.almaklumlah i neh xske tgk darah darah neh.lemah seket.harap je i ambik PBSM as my koko.hahahaha.i was like OMG OMG OMG all the way.pffttt so drama of me.yeah i know i mmg suka cmneh.bare with it.haha terpegun jap i tgk cite tuh.ok jln cite xbest pun.cte pun s0-s0 aje.but part cam lawan lawan tuh i cam ok sape kenal i taulah reaksi i camneh ble tgk cite cite cam2.hahah malas pulak nk cite kt blog neh. so my night for today cam terisilah dengan cite yang bolelah menghiburkan hati.terhiburlah sgt kn.this evening i will be off to melaka with my mum and dad.mau pickup faris y ada camp golf kt sne for the past 4 days then maybe pegi umbai mkn ikan bakar.yeay!! and as for my usual saturday dy pg keje at hotel sunway till midnight.gonna miss u lah dear.=(( pagi pagi buta neh i masih lg tak tdo i dunno why.maybe too tired from swimming ptg td smpai tak boleh tdo.lalalala bored already so adios~!

p/s:tetiba terasa nak pegi paris.sigh*

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