
yeah im bored.bulleyes!

Name : nur amira nasarudin

Sisters : two and both da tua.haha
Brothers : one and only and terlebeh gedik manja.durh.
Shoe size : sebok je nak tau lah.
Height : 5'5
Where do you live : kuala lumpur.ank jati kl n proud of it =))
Have you ever been on a plane: yup yup.
Swam in the ocean : used to but now jarang jarang oredy =(
Fallen asleep at school : haha always. siap mimpi2 lg tuh. =P
Broken someone’s heart : ntah.tak tahu la plak.
Fell off your chair : rase rase cam penah je.hahaha
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call: ya ya~
Saved e-mails : depends.
What is your room like : messy with papers all over the place!!
What’s right beside you: my fon. n mineral water. i need plenty of water atm.
What is the last thing you ate : have a break, have a KIT KAT =D

Ever had…

Chicken pox : ad kot mse kecik kecik.
Sore throat : penah sgt.
Stitches : ouh xpenah lg n xnk pun.
Broken nose : nahhhhh~
Do you Believe in love at first sight : i guess not.
Like picnics : s0-s0

Who was/were…
The last person you danced with : alya.bygknlah cmne?! haha
Last made you smile : alya coz now dy ad neh haa sbok nk type gak. n guees what? she's only 5 month old. hahaha
You last yelled at : boncit!! my cat.

Today did you…
Talk to someone you like: sure did. baru lps. now he's at pakmal.eating.
Kissed anyone : i kiss alya today. =)
Get sick : nope. not today!
Talk to an ex : no way!
Miss someone : i miss u muhammad shahfid!! ='(
Who do you really hate: i rather keep it to myself tq.
Do you like your hand-writing : haha.i like it. but my friends hate it coz they cant understand it.hahahahaha right jan??
Are your toe nails painted : nope.
Whose bed other than yours would you rather sleep in : sape sape pun xksa.asl dpt tdo sudah.  
What color shirt are you wearing now : red pudar pudar sket.
Are you a friendly person : ask my friends.
Do you have any pets :  i have 3 cats named KIMI, KAKA n KIKO(boncit).
Do you sleep with the TV on : sometimes.
What are you doing right now : answering this lah. pe daa~ 
Can you handle the truth : dependslah. most of the time YES I CAN.
Are you closer to your mother or father : my dad.
Do you eat healthy : no.hahaha
Do you still have pictures of you & your ex : nope. for what?
If you’re having a bad day, who are you most likely to go to : him. o to sumone i can trust with.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time : ouh tricky one. errrr quiet i guess. hahaha ask my friends la.they know me better.
Are you confident : depend on the situation.but i guess yes i am.

5 things I was doing 10 years ago :-
-beli pen kaler2 n kertas surat y wangi2.haha
-stayback at school.
-pegi mengaji ngn mak ngah.
-gado ngn membe sbb kakak angkat n adik
-maen masak masak tepi umah ngn jiran.keh3.

5 things I would do if I were a billionaire :-
ouh buy lamborghini n maserati of coz!!
beli tanah n buat umah lawa2.
shopping like there is no tomorrow. haha 
bagi kat parents i so that they can tour around the world. 
use for my wedding. kn2 syg? =))

5 of my bad habits :-
suke tido.
malas gile2. 
degil.sikit je pun.haha 
suke sepah sepah.  
suke abeskan duet.lalala 

5 places I’ve lived/living :-
-now jln kuching. 
-labuan(when i was 6-8)
-overseas when i was about 1-2 yrs old kot.cant lg kot.
-penang(matrik kt sne.cnsider live there eh.)
-pahang(boarding school kt sne for 3 cnsider live there 2)lol 

5 peep to tag this survey :-
-tag urself la eyh.

p/s: jan aku sudah buat.lmbt seket.

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