
ollo peeps.its been a while huh.ngee~kindda not in the mood for blogging past few fact im kindda buzy with stuffs.haha buzylah sgt.nahh im just too tired from lepaking with nad last wednesday n with my syg yesterday.n last monday i went to tawakal for check up n selase tuh i tak igt i bwt no time for on9! heeee~yesterday i watched rapunzel and i was soo loving that movie!syesly tak bazir duet tiket tgk cite tuh.eventhough movie tuh katun but trust me, its worth watching.pascal is just soo adorable!! and not to forget maximus! hahaha...i enjoyed  watching it with my syg.=))owh and i enjoyed lepaking with nad.nad is my so called sis =P and i love her so much!so lesbo of me but what the hell.its not like im into girls o whatsoever.i have my bf already.and im soo loving him okay =D..ouh ouh time i nk kua dari movie tuh ada this 1 group infront of me.konon konon happeninglah. adalah sorg neh i tot dy tuh girl tau but i was so totally wrong!! mind this first.i tot that person was a girl coz that person wearing heels and skinny jeans n tight tshirt ok. and jln pun ala model.but2 kua2 je dr cinema tuh!! i was like OMG!! that person was a guy!! im soo speechless so so so speechless. god what is happening to this world already. guys turning into girls and girls turning into take a break lah. god created u as who u are why bother changing that? nape nak ubah jadi someone u were not meant to be? pelik betollah.sorrylah if i ada offend sape sape.but i pecaye tuhan da cipta kte sebaik baik kejadian. so tak perlu nak ubah.

p/s:kerinduan sama syg saya.cpt sembuh ok.=))

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